Thursday, 28 January 2010

Cornerstone MFT Server 8.00.1036

Cornerstone MFT Server 8.00.1036

You’ve implemented secure file transfer, but are you sure that’s enough?

Securing file transfers is important, but you may have overlooked the huge volume of unmanaged FTP transfers and email attachments that employees and partners exchange every day. Unmanaged file transfers present both a major hole in security – and the loss of a great source of business intelligence.

Cornerstone MFT enables your organization to securely manage file transfers and gain unprecedented visibility into your data flows. By tracking system activity beyond just file history, Cornerstone enables you to detect trends so that you can anticipate – rather than react.
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Cornerstone closes the gaps in security left by traditional secure server products:
  • Secure data in motion using strong security
  • Secure data at rest - without interim steps that leave data temporarily unsecured
  • Reduce the risks of hacking and network intrusion
  • Monitoring and alerts enable you to anticipate and avoid security problems
Business Intelligence
Your data activity and processes contain a wealth of information that can make your business more competitive and can reduce business risks. Cornerstone provides the tracking to answer difficult business questions:
  • When the transaction volume of a partner drastically changes, how will you know?
  • What does it mean when an employee is suddenly downloading 10 times their normal volume of customer data?
  • When bandwidth resources are constrained - do you really need to spend more on bandwidth or is there a problem with your processes?
High Performance
Exchange of critical business data must be both timely and secure. Cornerstone offers a scalable solution that easily grows as your business needs dictate:
  • Multi-server clustering and load balancing support
  • Data compression increases file transfer speeds
  • Event management and automation
Cornerstone's StatsTrack Reporting and Auditing module enables you to view highly granular information about your data flows and system activity:
  • Easily customizable reports
  • Integrates with event management and notification
  • Fully understand user and system activity as well as file history
  • Identify trends
Ease of Implementation
Quickly implementing a Managed File Transfer solution means less cost and a shorter time to realize the benefits. Cornerstone enables you to:
  • Easily install, configure and deploy into your existing architecture
  • Implement a software-only solution
  • Permit users to work in ways that they are accustomed to working - facilitating rapid adoption and faster time to ROI
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